Fabulous Female Library Bound Book Set of 28

Grades: 6 - 9+ (Ages 11 - 14+)
This “just for girls” set isn’t all style and no substance. It exposes readers to strong women characters and multiple reading genres, while providing skills for developing a healthy self-image. Readers will find a range of fi ction and nonfiction titles at multiple reading levels, from the popular Clique series, to advice books filled with quizzes and questions, romantic stories, and other novels showing how students’ contemporaries deal with the ups & downs of daily life as a teenager—friends, fashion, love, & romance, as well as serious issues.
Accelerated Reader® titles, RL: 2.4-7.9. Lexile levels: 190L-1210L.
Set of 28 mixed hardcover and paperback books. Partial set shown.