High-tech Information Library Bound Book

Grades: 3 - 6
A story, a problem, a list of possible solutions, and - Eureka! You have it! Become an inventor, and test your creative skills with an experiment or make-and-do construction.
From a generation of cell phones that send pictures and short movies to plasma TV screens, supercomputers, and the World Wide Web, technological progress has led to many exciting inventions. Get connected to the information superhighway, and find out if you could live in a virtual reality. Learn about the fastest computers in the world and how special software can trick your senses. Then make a state-of-the-art mobile phone booth, a virtual reality helmet, a strap-on microchipe maze, and a set of groovy CD coasters.
Your students can explore ten different inventions and step-by-step instructions allow them to construct the invention or experiment.
Library bound, 48 pages.