Tiny Acorns, Majestic Oaks English Big Book

Grades: PreK-5
The purpose for reading is set inside the front cover of each book. Predictions are validated or altered inside the back cover.
Designed by teachers for Elementary Classrooms K-5:
This title is also suitable as hi/lo reading for secondary classrooms.
For Grades K-1: Photographs and open-ended questions/prompts specifically designed to develop Oral Language skills.
For Grades 2-3: On grade-level text and grade-appropriate, domain-specific vocabulary.
For Grades 4-5+: (Reluctant Readers): Low readability, high-interest
something you didn't know in every book! Short chunks of text; interesting, engaging content to appeal to any reluctant reader.
Meets Common Core State Standards requirements in:
Speaking and Listening
> Multiple-Exchange Conversations
> Comprehension and Collaboration
> Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Reading: Foundational Skills
> Phonics & Word Recognition
> Fluency
> Vocabulary Acquisition & Use
Reading: Informational Text
> Key Ideas and Details
> Craft and Structure
> Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
> Text Complexity Band Grades 2-3