Traditional Hispanic Folk Tales Bilingual Book Set

Grades: K-8
This collection of Hispanic folk tales??from Peru, Spain, Mexico, and others??will delight your students. Readers can choose from a ghost story to end all ghost stories, a tale of the ??bogeyman,?? the tale of a clever woman who saves her husband from a band of robbers, and many more! Paperback, 32-134 pages each. Titles may vary.
Titles include:
La mujer que brillaba a?§n m?s que el sol /
The Woman Who Outshone the Sun
Un lazo a la luna / Moon Rope
The Little Red Ant and the Great Big Crumb: A Mexican Fable
La Llorona / Weeping Woman
La Tortuga y la Liebre / The Tortoise and the Jackrabbit
El Coyote debajo de la mesa / The Coyote Under the Table
El dia que nevo tortillas / The Day It Snowed Tortillas
Una cuchara para cada bocado / A Spoon for Every Bite
La lagartija y el sol / The Lizard and the Sun
The Bossy Gallito
*All titles are bilingual except The Little Red Ant, English with Spanish phrases.