Animals That Live in the Oceans Bilingual Book Set

Grades: K-4
Animales que viven en el océano
This bilingual series presents an inviting introduction to creatures that make their home in the ocean. Young learners will read about each animals life cycle, behavior, and unique adaptations to its watery environment. ELL students will be captivated by the simple, easy-to-follow text paired with vibrant color photographs. Accelerated Reader® titles. Paperback, 24 pages each. Guided Reading Levels E-G. Sets of 8
Titles include:
Dolphins / Delfines
Sharks / Tiburones
Whales / Ballenas
Manatees / Manaties
Sea Turtles / Tortugas marinas
Octopuses and Squids / Pulpos y calamares
Walruses / Morsas Sea Horses / Caballitos de mar