Early Childhood Concepts Spanish/English Set

Grades: PreK-2
Fun to explore, these Spanish and English books have large, vivid, full-color illustrations to support text designed specifically for early childhood readers abilities and interests. The strong link between words and text helps readers understand the content. Readers are also able to make predictions about the text of each book based on the images and the overall pattern of the book. These books are excellent tools for shared reading and building the confidence new readers need.
Spanish titles include: Veo Colores; Si fuera un árbol; ¿Qué es un abuelo?; Usa tu cerebro; Puedo hacer cualquier cosa; Delicioso y nutritiv; ¿Qué tipo de tiempo?; Yo soy especial; Los hogares de los animales; Estadounidense de todo a todo; Escuela de niños grandes; Listos para construir; Canta una canción de números; ¿Ves una figura?; and En marcha.
English titles include: I See Colors; If I Were a Tree; What Makes a Grandparent?; Use Your Brain; I Can Be Anything; Delicious and Nutritious; What Kind of Weather?; Special Me; Animal Homes; American Through and Through; Big Kid School; Ready to Build; Sing a Numbers Song; Do You See a Shape?; and On the Go.
Paperback, 16 pages each. Set of all 30 books; 15 Spanish and 15 English.