Favorite Children's Books Spanish and English Set 3 Set of 40

Please note: Clifford the Big Red Dog has been replaced by Clifford to the Rescue.
SAVE! Buy the complete set of Spanish and English books.
Overwhelmed by all the great literature choices for young readers? Look no further! This instant classroom library contains even more must-have children??s literature titles to get kids reading and loving it! This set features both Spanish and English languages, which are a great supplement or start to your classroom library. Mixed hardcover and paperback; number of pages vary. Titles may vary.
Titles include:
ƒ?› ?¨Eres tu mi mam? / Are You My Mother?
ƒ?› Oso pardo, oso pardo, ?¨qu?? ves ah??? / Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
ƒ?› Chato y su cena / Chato's Kitchen
ƒ?› Clifford at rescate / Clifford to the Rescue
ƒ?› ?¨El canguro tiene mam?? / Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?
ƒ?› ?Qu?? nervios! Primer dia de escuela / First Day Jitters
ƒ?› Froggy se viste / Froggy Gets Dressed
ƒ?› Huevos verdes con jam??n / Green Eggs and Ham
ƒ?› A sembrar sopa de verduras / Growing Vegetable Soup
ƒ?› Si le das un Panquegue a una cerdita / If You Give a Pig a Pancake
ƒ?› La Se?ñorita Nelson ha desaparecido / Miss Nelson Is Missing
ƒ?› Olivia / Olivia
ƒ?› Oso panda, oso panda, ?¨qu?? ves ah??? / Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?
ƒ?› Presiona Aqu?? / Press Here
ƒ?› El pez arco iris / Rainbow Fish
ƒ?› Sopa de piedras / Stone Soup
ƒ?› El cuento de Ferdinand / The Story of Ferdinand
ƒ?› ?¨Qu?? har??as con una cola como esta? / What Do You Do With a Tail???
ƒ?› Donde viven los monstruos / Where the Wild Things Are
ƒ?› Winny de puh / Winnie the Pooh