Favorite Children's Books Spanish and English Set 4 Set of 38

Grades: PreK-3
Please note: This is now a set of 36 books. Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse has been replaced by Lilly’s Big Day. Guess How Much I Love You and Chrysanthemum are no longer available. They have not been replaced.
SAVE! Buy the complete set of Spanish and English books.
Overwhelmed by all the great literature choices for young readers? Look no further! This instant classroom library contains even more must-have children’s literature titles to get kids reading and loving it! This set features both Spanish and English languages, which are a great supplement or start to your classroom library. Mixed hardcover and paperback; number of pages vary. Titles may vary.
Titles include:
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus / ¡No dejes que la Paloma conduzca el autobus!
Doorbell Rang, The / Llaman a la puerta
Eloise (Absolutely Essential) / Eloise
Feathers for Lunch / Plumas para almorzar
Frederick / Frederick
Giggle, Giggle, Quack / Jaja, Jiji, Cuac
Good Night, Gorilla / Buenas noches, Gorila
Harry the Dirty Dog / Harry, el perrito sucio
If You Take a Mouse to School / Si llevas un Ratón a la escuela
The Keeping Quilt / La colcha de los recuerdos
Leo the Late Bloomer / Leo, el retoño tardío
Lilly’s Big Day / El gran dia de Lily
Pocket for Corduroy / Un bolsillo ara Corduroy
The Polar Express / El expreso polar
Swimmy / Nadarín
Ten, Nine, Eight / Diez, nueve, ocho
Too Many Tamales / ¡Qué montón de tamales!
The Very Busy Spider / La araña muy ocupada