Finding Your Place Bilingual Book Set of 12

Grades: PreK-5
Please note: I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa is no longer available. It has been replaced by When Will we be Sisters.
This library is a natural springboard for discussing students’ insecurities—whether it’s a name, a physical trait or their heritage—and helping them develop the confidence to be happy with who they are. This series will help free readers from stereotypes, while simultaneously demonstrating how their differences may be their own strengths. *My Name Is Maria Isabel is in English with Spanish phrases. Partial set shown. Titles may vary
Titles include:
My Very Own Room / Mi propio cuartito
My Diary from Here to There /
Mi diario de aqui hasta alla
When Will We Be Sisters? /
Cuando vamos a ser hermanas?
Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match /
Marisol McDonald no combina
I Wish I Had Freckles Like Abby /
Quisiera tener pecas como Abby
I Wish I Was Strong Like Manuel /
Quisiera ser fuerte como Manuel
I Wish I Was Tall Like Willie /
Quisiera ser tan alto como Willie
Nathan Saves Summer /
Nathan rescata el verano
My Big Brother /
Mi hermano mayor
Alicia’s Happy Day /
El dia mas feliz de Alicia
First Grade Takes a Test /
El examen de primer grado
My Name is Maria Isabel*