Spanish and English Chapter Books Set 2

Please note: Bridge to Terabithia has been replaced by Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1.
This set consists of favorite chapter books for intermediate readers, in Spanish and English text. Titles may vary.
Titles include:
?? Henry Huggins
?? Stuart Little
?? B??isbol en Abril / Baseball in April
?? Doble Fudge / Double Fudge
?? Despereaux / Tale of Despereaux
?? Diario de Greg / Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1
?? Tuck para siempre / Tuck Everlasting
?? Ramona la chinche / Ramona the Pest
?? La isal del los delfines azules / Island of the Blue Dolphins
?? Cuando T??a Lola vino (de visita) a quedarse /
When Tia Lola Came to Stay