Spanish Vocabulary & Grammar Card Games

These unique Spanish cards sets each contain 56 illustrated flash cards for focused practice and reinforcement of important vocabulary, grammar and language arts concepts. Each set includes instructions, activity suggestions, and a resuable storage box. 7 in. x 3 in. double-sided cards.
Sinónimos Nivel I (Synonyms Level I) - Match sentences with words that mean the same or nearly the same
Sinónimos Nivel II (Synonyms Level II)
Antónimos Nivel I (Antonyms Level I) - Match sentences with words that mean the opposite
Antónimos Nivel II (Antonyms Level II)
Homónimos y parónimos (Homonyms and paronyms) - Complete sentences with homonyms - words that sound & are spelled the same, but have different meanings - and paronyms - words from the same root
Palabras compuestas (Compound Words) - Using context clues, complete the sentences with the orrect compund word
Palabras derivadas -Sufijos (Derived Words - Suffixes) - Colorful cards help students learn the meanings of dozens of suffixes and the wrods they make up.
Palabras derivadas - Prefijos (Derived Words - Prefixes) - Colorful cards help students learn the meanings of dozens of prefixes and the words they make up