4th Grade 20-book Library Bound Book

Grades: 4
No literature-rich classroom can have enough books! With these comprehensive, grade-specifi c collections, we've made it easy to select the best. Most titles in each collection are on grade level. In each grade, we have also included select titles that are below grade level expectations to scaffold struggling readers or where our editors found that the content or theme was more appropriate for an older audience (such as Catcher in the Rye, Reading Level: 3-4, Grades: 7-8+). We have included, as well, titles that are above grade level expectations for read-alouds or to challenge advanced readers. Titles are mixed hardcover & paperback. (Fiction/Nonfiction)
This comprehensive, grade level-specific collection includes picture books, transition books, and early chapters (under 150 pages) perfect for independent reading or read-alouds.
Lexile: 540L-1010L / ATOS: 3.9-7.0 /Guided reading levels: M-V Students progress to age-appropriate chapter books, abridged classics, and more challenging titles for sharing aloud or advanced readers. Titles may vary.
20 book set.