Teens, Alcohol, and Club Drugs DVD

Everyone likes to have fun, but when drugs and alcohol become involved, having fun can become dangerous. Learn what alcohol is, what defines binge drinking and what the legal blood alcohol concentration is. Find out about the different club drugs such as 'Ecstasy,' 'Roofies' and 'Speed' and what effects they have on your mind and body. Learn about the risks associated with mixing teens, alcohol and club drugs and discover ways to avoid the abuse of alcohol and drugs.
1) Students will learn the effects that alcohol has on the body.
2) Students will find out what 'blood alcohol concentration' is and learn the dangers of binge drinking
3) Students will learn about adverse consequences associated with alcohol abuse
4) Students will learn about MDMA, methamphetamines, LSD, Rohypnol, GHB, and ketamine.