Bilingual Green Light Readers Levels 1 & 2 Bundle

*Please Note: Digger Pig and the Turnip / Marranita Poco Rabo y el nabo has been replaced by The Chick That Wouldn't Hatch / El pollito que no quería salir del huevo.
These bilingual readers build valuable reading skills while encouraging students to explore and imagine! Two distinct reading levels to introduce and reinforce reading basics. The set includes 4 books in Level 1 and 3 books in level 2. Accelerated Reader® titles. Paperback, 28 pages each. Titles may vary.
Level 1 titles include:
Daniel's Pet / Daniel y su mascota
What Day Is It? / ¿Qué dÍa es hoy?
Sometimes / Algunas veces
Big Brown Bear / El gran oso pardo
Level 2 titles include:
Catch Me If You Can! / ¡A que no me alcanzas!
Daniel's Mystery Egg / El misterioso huebo de Daniel
Get That Pest! / ¡Agarren a ése!
The Chick That Wouldn't Hatch / El pollito que no quería salir del huevo