American Lives Men & Women Paperback Book Set

Grades: 2-5
This series explores the lives of American people who did great things for the United States. Learn about these important individuals and what they were like. Read about the persons family, childhood, school years, working years, and accomplishments. Find out why that person will always be remembered. Accelerated Reader® titles. Women RL: 4.8-5.8; Men RL: 4.6-5.3. Guided reading levels: N-P.
American Lives: Women
Includes: Julia Ward Howe, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Clara Barton, Alice Paul, Deborah Sampson, Phillis Wheatley, Jane Addams, Ida B. Wells- Barnett, Anne Hutchinson, Sally Ride, Mae Jemison, Eileen Collins, and Dolores Huerta.
American Lives: Men
Includes: Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, William Penn, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, John Glenn, W.E.B. Dubois, Samuel Adams, Roger Williams, Benjamin Banneker, Medgar Evers, and Jesse Jackson.
Set of 31 paperback books, 24 pages each.