Beyond the Back Yard Spanish Big Book

Grades: PreK-5
Visit different habitats beyond your back yard.
The purpose for reading is set inside the front cover of each book. Predictions are validated or altered inside the back cover.
Designed by teachers for Elementary Classrooms K-5:
For Grades K-1: Photographs and open-ended questions/prompts specifically designed to develop Oral Language skills.
For Grades 2-3: On grade-level text and grade-appropriate, domain-specific vocabulary.
For Grades 4-5+: (Reluctant Readers): Low readability, high-interest
something you didn't know in every book! Short chunks of text; interesting, engaging content to appeal to any reluctant reader.
Meets Common Core State Standards requirements in:
Speaking and Listening
> Multiple-Exchange Conversations
> Comprehension and Collaboration
> Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Reading: Foundational Skills
> Phonics & Word Recognition
> Fluency
> Vocabulary Acquisition & Use
Reading: Informational Text
> Key Ideas and Details
> Craft and Structure
> Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
> Text Complexity Band Grades 2-3