Chain Reactions Book Set

This series looks at developments, inventions, and discoveries in science and how a discovery or invention by one individual can lead to a series of discoveries by others and even a chain of scientific breakthroughs. Each book charts a few connected developments in the particular field of science from first discoveries through to current applications.
Great for STEM Education.
Titles include:
DNA to GM Wheat
Greek Atoms to Quarks
Gunpowder to Laser Chemistry
Mendels Peas to Genetic Fingerprinting
Microscopes to Stem Cell Research
Newtons Rainbow to Frozen Light
Ptolemys Spheres to Dark Energy
Sea Urchins to Dolly the Sheep
Steam Engines to Nuclear Fusion
Windmills to Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Common Core standards covered:
CCRA.R.1-10; RST.6-8.1-10
Set of 10 reinforced library bound books, 64 pages each.