Construction Site / En construcci??n

Grade: 1-2
As anyone who has passed a construction site with a kid knows, children love backhoes, bulldozers, and other heavy machines. Readers will discover the various situations in which these massive vehicles are used and see many photos of them at work. A table of contents, photo glossary, and index introduce young readers to the conventions of a non-fiction book. Each book features short, simple text in English and standard Latin American Spanish. Titles include: Las retroexcavadoras / Backhoes, Las gr?§as / Cement Mixers, Los camiones de volteo / Dump Trucks, Las palas mec?nicas / Bulldozers, and Los montacargas / Forklifts. Reinforced library binding, 24 pages each. Set of 5.
Please note: Cranes is out of print.