Counting Literature Library in Spanish Set of 6

Grades: PreK-2
Please note: Mouse Count (Cuenta Ratones), The Grapes of Math (Come y una cuenta), and Baseball Counting Book (Cuenta con el béisbol) are out of print and have been replaced by One By One (De Uno en Uno), The Icky Bug Counting Book (Cuenta los Insectos), and More and Less (Mas y menos).
Uno, dos tres! Count in Spanish with this useful collection of books! Titles may vary.
Titles include:
• Mas y Menos (More and Less)
• Se Venden Gorras (Caps for Sale)
• Cuenta los Insectos (The Icky Bug Counting Book)
• De Uno en Uno (One by One)
• Diez, Nueve, Ocho (Ten, Nine, Eight)
• La Oruga muy Hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar)