Favorite Children's Books Spanish Set 1 Set of 20

Grades: PreK-3
Please note: Child of the Sun; Cinderella; and Polar Express are no longer available. They have been replaced by Whistle for Willie; If You Give a Mouse a Cookie; and The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear.
Overwhelmed by all the great literature choices for young readers? Look no further! This instant classroom library contains the top 20 must-have children's literature titles to get kids reading and loving it! Supplement an existing library, or get your classroom library off to a great start! Mixed hardcover and paperback; number of pages vary. Titles may vary.
Titles include:
Quienquiera que seas (Whoever You Are)
Salta, ranita,salta! (Jump, frog, jump!)
La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos (The True Story of the Three Little Pigs)
Un beso en mi mano (The Kissing Hand)
Si le das una galletita a un ratón ( If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)
La casa adormecida (The Napping House)
Cosechando esperanza (Harvesting Hope)
Whistle for Willie (Silbale a Willie)
Se venden gorras (Caps for Sale)
La oruga muy hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar)
Las bellas hijas de Mufaro (Mufaros Beautiful Daughters)
El gran capoquero The Kapok Tree)
El arbol genoroso (The Giving Tree)
El gran granero rojo (The Big Red Barn)
Clic, clac, Muu (Click, Clack, Moo)
La mariquita malhumorada (The Grouchy Ladybug)
Te quiero, Carita Sucia (I Love You, Stinky Face)
El ratoncito, la fresa roja y madura, y el gran oso hambriento
(The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear)