Hidden Life Library Bound Book Set

Grade: 4-6
Explore the secret world of microscopic organisms that are too small for the eye to see but live alongside, or even inside, humans! In this series, the reader is taken on an amazing journey to see what lifes like at a microscopic size. Readers learn about the conditions found in the environment that make it especially suitable for these organisms. They also discover the effect, whether harmful or beneficial, that these organisms have on us. Accelerated Reader® titles. Lexile level: IG970L.
Titles include:
Whats Living in Your Backyard?
Whats Living in Your Bedroom?
Whats Living in Your Classroom?
Whats Living in Your Kitchen?
Whats Living Inside Your Body?
Whats Living on Your Body?
Set of 6 reinforced library bound books, 32 pages each.