I Can Read Level 2 Set C Paperback Book Set

Help students discover the joy of independent reading. Award-winning stories set the standard for beginning readers, featuring first-rate authors and illustrators and a full spectrum of themesƒ??from humor to history, poetry to sports, science to adventure and mystery. I Can Read! titles are designed to aid the process of learning to read, with plenty of picture clues, strong consideration for readersƒ?? tracking, simple sentence structure, high-interest stories, and unforgettable characters. Paperback, 32-64 pages each. Titles may vary.
Level 2 I Can Read! books use longer plots and language play in high-interest stories to encourage the developing reader.
Titles include:
ƒ?› Amelia Bedelia Bookworm
ƒ?› Arthurƒ??s Christmas Cookies
ƒ?› Arthurƒ??s Halloween Costume
ƒ?› Small Pig
ƒ?› Scruffy
ƒ?› Adventures of Snail at School
ƒ?› The Case of the Climbing Cat
ƒ?› Amelia Bedelia Bakes Off
ƒ?› I Am the Turkey
ƒ?› Come Back, Amelia Bedelia