I Can Read! Level 1 Set A Paperback Book Set

Help students discover the joy of independent reading. Award-winning stories set the standard for beginning readers, featuring first-rate authors and illustrators and a full spectrum of themes—from humor to history, poetry to sports, science to adventure and mystery. I Can Read! titles are designed to aid the process of learning to read, with plenty of picture clues, strong consideration for readers’ tracking, simple sentence structure, high-interest stories, and unforgettable characters. Paperback, 32-64 pages each. Titles may vary.
Level 1 I Can Read! books feature both simple concepts and stories with lovable characters for early readers. These stories are also perfect for read-aloud and shared reading.
Titles include:
• Oscar Otter
• Morris Goes to School
• Red Fox and His Canoe
• Barney’s Horse
• Mrs. Brice’s Mice
• Captain Cat
• Joe and Betsy the Dinosaur
• What Do You Hear When Cows Sing?
• The Fat Cat Sat on the Mat
• Danny and the Dinosaur