Kids Of Character Bilingual Library 3 Book Set

Grades: K-4
This bilingual series teaches young readers the importance of caring about themselves and the people around them. Each book presents scenarios that all children have likely encountered in their everyday lives, & explores the character traits that are so important in developing into honest, respectful, responsible members of the community. Accelerated Reader® titles, (English only). Reinforced library binding, 48 pages each. Titles may vary.Book Set of 6
Titles include:
• If Only I Were… / Si Sólo Pudiera Ser…
• It’s Not Fair! / ¡No Es Justo!
• Noise! Noise! Noise! / ¡Ruido! ¡Ruido! ¡Ruido!
• Proud Rooster and Little Hen / Gallito Orgulloso Y Gallinita
• The Richest Poor Kid / El Niño Pobre Más Rico Del Mundo
• You Move You Lose / El Que Se Mueva Pierde