Lap Books Set 1 Spanish Set of 8

Grades: PreK-5
Please note: Tierra (Dirt) and Plantas que alimentan (Plant Foods) are out of print and no longer available.
This book series will help develop vocabulary in the content areas. These nonfiction lap-size big books feature engaging nonfiction text and supporting photographs. They are aligned to English Language Arts Standards, English as a Second Language Standards, and National Science Standards.
“Lap books” are lap-size big books that are the perfect size for small group instruction and partner reading (15” x 11¾”). Bigger than student books, but smaller than some big books, two students can read together more easily with a lap book. The set includes 8 Spanish Lap books, 8-16 pages each. Guided Reading Levels: D-K.
Titles include:
De regreso al mar (Back to the Sea)
En cualquier dirección (In All Directions)
Observemos las aves (Let’s Look For Birds)
Escuchen esto (Listen To This)
Patrones de la naturaleza (Patterns In Nature)
Juntemos las partes (Put It Together)
¿Frío o caliente? (What Is Hot? What Is Not?)
Qué es la ciencia? (What Is Science?)