Protect Our Planet Spanish Book Set

Grades: 1-3
Proteger Nuestro Planeta
People are doing things that are putting our planet in danger. Discover what they are doing and how other people are trying to make things better. Every person can make a difference. Find out what you can do to help protect our planet. Includes: Calentamiento Global (Global Warming), Aire Contaminado (Polluted Air), Océanos y Ríos en Peligro (Oceans and Rivers in Danger), and Bosques en Peligro (Disappearing Forests).
Accelerated Reader Titles, RL: 4.3-4.9. Guided reading level: Q. Set of 4 books. Reinforced library binding, 32 pages each.
Please note: This is now a set of 4 books. Vida Silvestre en Peligro de Extención (Disappearing Wildlife) is no longer available.