Raintree Fusion: Life Science Library Bound Book

Grade: 4-6
These books take an exciting new approach to science curriculum topics. Raintree Fusion is high-interest nonfiction aligned with curriculum, at a grade 2 reading level, making it accessible to struggling readers. It uses engaging photographs and illustrations. Background knowledge of subject matter is also incorporated into the text. All vocabulary is defined at point of use. Each title has a clean, clear design that supports readability along with clear, predictable text structures. Reinforced library binding, 32 pages each.
Titles include:
Rotters!: Decomposition
Shark Snacks: Food Chains and Webs
Has a Cow Saved Your Life?: Scientific Enquiry
Body Warriors: The Immune System
Skin Deep: Functions of Skin
Whos in Control?: Brain and Nervous System
Animal Secrets: Animal Life Processes
You Scratch My Back: Symbiosis
Common Core standards covered:
CCRA.R.1-10; CCRA.L.4-6