Read-It! Readers Chapter Books Set

Ranging from 48 to 64 pages each, these books are perfect for young readers as they improve their skills. Reinforced library binding.
Alice Goes to Hollywood
Alice the anteater leaves the jungle to pursue her dream of becoming a film star in Hollywood.
Eye, Eye, Captain!
Afraid his fellow pirates will make him walk the plank, Captain Cutlass hides the fact that he can't see and needs to wear glasses.
King Cudgel's Challenge
Twin siblings Princess Gusty Ox and Prince Marvin fight constantly until the court wizard sends them on a challenge that requires the royal pair to cooperate.
The Peanut Prankster
Lettuce Leef and Nimble Charlie, the Crook Catchers to the queen, try to stop a con man who is trying to trick the queen out of her jewels. The coauthor is Judy Brown.
Prince Marvin's Great Moment
Its almost time for the Crunchbone Castle Ball and King Cudgel is trying to choose his outfit. Suddenly, there is a roar from the forest, and the castle is splattered with green slime! Its Harry the Hairy Green Giant. But why is he so upset? Prince Marvin must find out the answer, and quickly. The problem is, what do you say to an angry giant?
Princess Gusty Ox's Strange Change
When the Magic Mirror criticizes her bumpy nose and tomboyish ways, Princess Gusty Ox tries to change her appearance and act more ladylike, with unhappy results.
Wonder Worlds
Luke and Sophie go in search of a reclusive author known as HB, the creator of their favorite comic series, after it is announced that the series is ending.