Reader's Theater's Book Sets
Grades: PreK-4 Spanish & English
Build essential fluency skills with fun, high-interest scripts that incorporate content-area connections. Each play for beginning readers contains six parts (a narrator and five characters) that can be read aloud in whole-class settings, small groups, or one-on-one. Low-level scripts help students build reading confidence. A consistent, clearly defined structure helps students identify the parts of a text and elements of a story. Guided Reading Levels E-Q. Paperback, 24 pages each.
Reader's Theater: Folk & Fairy Tales, Spanish, PreK-3, RL 0.0-1.9, GRL E-Q
- Caperucita Roja (The Little Red Hen)
- El Hombrecito de Jengibre (The Gingerbread Man)
- Hansel y Gretel (Hansel and Gretel)
- La Gallinita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood)
- La ropa nueva del emperador (The Emperor's New Clothes)
- Los tres Chivitos Gruff (The Three Billy Goats Gruff)
- Los tres cochinitos (The Three Little Pigs)
- Ricitos de Oro y los tres osos (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
Reader's Theater: Folk & Fairy Tales, English PreK-3, RL 0.0-1.9, GRL E-Q
- The Little Red Hen
- The Gingerbread Man
- Hansel and Gretel
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Emperor's New Clothes
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff
- The Three Little Pigs
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Guided Reading Levels E-M. Paperback, 20 pages each.
Reader's Theater, Spanish, Grades 1-2 Reading levels 1.5-3.0, GRL E-M, 20 pgs each.
- Animales sorprendentes (Amazing Animals)
- El dinero cuenta (Money Counts)
- Lucky el perro de la estraction de bomberos (Lucky the Firehouse Dog)
- Marcha hacia delante (Moving Forward)
- Muchas manos ayudan (Many Helping Hands)
- Poesia? Que horror! (Poetry? Yuck!)
- Telaranas de belleza (Webs of Beauty)
- Un huerto en la cuidad (A Garden in the City)
Reader's Theater, English, Grades 1-2 Reading levels 1.5-3.0, GRL E-M, 20 pgs each.
- Amazing Animals
- Money Counts
- Lucky the Firehouse Dog
- Moving Forward
- Many Helping Hands
- Poetry? Yuck!
- Webs of Beauty
- A Garden in the City
Reader's Theater, Spanish, Grades 3-4, Reading levels 2.5-4.0, GRL K-Q, 24 pgs each.
- Desde el sol hasta mas alla de pluton (From the Sun to Beyond Pluto)
- Dos amigos planos viajan por el mundo (Two Flat Friends Travel the World)
- El inventor: Benjamin Franklin (The Inventor: Benjamin Franklin)
- El viaje matematicos de una vida (The Mathematical Journey of a Lifetime)
- En equipo con el Sr. Supercoyote (Teaming with Mr. Cool!)
- Historias del abuelo (Grandfather's Storytelling)
- Los wig seran wigz (Wigz Will be Wigz)
- Una maestra y una amiga (A teacher and a Friend)
Reader's Theater, English, Grades 3-4, Reading levels 2.5-4.0, GRL K-Q, 24 pgs each.
- From the Sun to Beyond Pluto
- Two Flat Friends Travel the World
- The Inventor: Benjamin Franklin
- The Mathematical Journey of a Lifetime
- Teaming with Mr. Cool!
- Grandfather's Storytelling
- Wigz Will be Wigz
- A teacher and a Friend