Text Exemplars Grades 9-10 Poetry

These texts exemplify the level of complexity and quality that the Common Core State Standards require all students in grades 9-10 to engage with.
I Am Offering This Poem to You (included in Immigrants in Our Own Land and Selected Early Poems)
Lift Every Voice and Sing; Yet I Do Marvel (both titles included in African-American Poetry)
Loveliest Trees (included in Great Short Poems)
Musée des Beaux Arts; Ozymandias (both titles included in 100 Favorite English & Irish Poems)
Song (included in Selected Poems)
Sonnet 73 (included in Complete Sonnets)
The Raven (included in The Raven and Other Writings)
We Grow Accustomed to the Dark (included in Final Harvest: Poems)
Women (included in Her Blue Body Everything We Know)
Common Core standards covered:
RL.9-10.1-10, RI.9-10.1-10