Social Studies Common Core Lessons & Activities Set 2

Grades: 3-8
Use these reproducible lessons and activities to supplement the resources you already have. These ready-to-use lessons meet existing standards, and integrate new analysis, inference, text-dependent questions, and rigor into daily instruction so that they meet the new Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy and Writing in History. You will find a page-by-page correlation guide to Common Core State Standards and lessons that utilize: text dependent questions; opinions, arguments, and informational writing; primary source analysis; determining explicit and inferred meanings; understanding point-of-view; academic vocabulary; and more.
Each book includes lessons and activities for:
- Reading for Information
- Higher-Order Thinking
- Writing Prompts
- Primary Source Analysis
- Vocabulary
- Graphic Organizers
- Map Activities
Titles include: The American Revolution, Explorers, The Olympics, Underground Railroad, Forms of Government, Ancient Egypt, Native Americans, The Civil War, Inventors & Inventions, Map Skills, Westward Expansion, and Communities.
Common Core standards covered:
RI.3-8.1-10; W.3-8.1-10; SL.3-8.1-2,4-6; L.3-8.4-6; RH.6-8.1-10; WHST.6-8.1-10
Set of 12 reproducible books, 24 pages each. ©2013