Spot the Difference Book Sets

Grades: PreK-1
¡Encuentra las diferencias!
Readers will have fun learning about animals in this colorful series that helps them recognize and compare animal body parts. Each book in this series focuses on one part, explaining what it is, what it is used for, and how it looks on a variety of animals (including humans). Accelerated Reader® titles.
Reinforced library binding, 24 pages each.
Spanish titles include: Pezuñas, garras y más (Feet), Patas (Legs), Alas (Wings), Orejas (Ears), Ojos (Eyes), Bocas (Mouths), Colas (Tails), and Narices (Noses).
English titles include: Feet, Legs, Tails, Ears, and Eyes.
English & Spanish set of 13 books.
Spanish paperback set of 4 books (Feet, Legs, Tails, and Wings)