Math School Kits Learning Wrap Ups

Grades: 1 - 5+
Just like getting 4 Math Class Kits!One for each operation (+, -, x, ÷).
This Wrap-Up Classroom kit gives every student in the class his or her own set of Wrap-ups. Learning Wrap-Ups are self-correcting, hands-on, and engaging enough that students use them over and over until they master their math facts!
Each kit includes 30 Wrap-Up sets of the same operation; corresponding Wrapups Rap audio CD; 85-page Math Teacher’s Manual with reproducibles, games, & activities; 10 Ways to Mastery workbook with activities, homework, lesson plans, and recording charts to see student progress; a stop watch; and a Skip Counting exercise DVD, all in an easy to organize storage case.
Save over $500! ($1440 value)