Tabletop Pocket Chart & Phonics/Word-Building Cards Sets

Complete Set includes all 3 card sets & a tabletop pocket chart.
With these pocket chart cards, students will learn to identify letter sounds and rhyming words, build simple words, and much more. With multiple ways to use the cards, teachers can put a starter in the pockets and ask students to match picture cards with letter cards, create words, identify spelling patterns, and much more. Each set includes over 100 double-sided 2½ coated cards.
Phonemic Awareness Cards (104)
Includes 52 double-sided alphabet cards, 26 double-sided word and picture cards.
Word Families Cards (112)
52 double-sided alphabet cards, (upper- & lowercase), 20 double-sided word family cards, (40 word endings), and 40 double-sided words cards.
Alphabet Photographs Cards (104)
Includes 26 letter cards with the upper- & lowercase letters on one side, and list of words pictured in the set on the reverse (for self-checking), plus 78 photo cards (3 per letter) with the word underneath the photo, and printed on the reverse.
Tabletop Pocket Chart
Double-sided pocket chart with 5 pockets on each side, plus a storage pouch. Folds flat for storage.
Please note: this set only includes 1 pocket chart, and 3 sets of cards.
Common Core standards covered:
RF.K.2a, RF.K.2e, RF.K.3a