Avoiding Injuries

There are many ways to get hurt and many parts of your body that can be injured. You can cut your skin, strain a muscle, or break a bone. Luckily, these things do not happen often. When they do, your body has an amazing ability to heal itself.
Grades: 3 - 5
Using playful text and lively photographs, Slim Goodbody conveys important health and safety information to your students. The series discusses how to stay safe inside, outside, at school, and at play; how to avoid injuries and how injuries are treated; what our body needs to stay healthy, including exercise and healthful foods; and how to keep clean. Features: simple, lively text; pediatrician reviewed; correlates to curriculum standards (personal care, nutrition, safety, and disease control); encourages children to be responsible; labeled diagrams and charts. Accelerated Reader® titles, RL: 4.1-5.1.
Library bound, 32 pages.