Forest Literature Library Bound Book

Young readers set out for the forest, where they meet many memorable characters??bears, squirrels, raccoons, and many others??from Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Woods to the Big Hungry Bear! Partial set shown.
- Frog & Toad Are Friends
- ??Just Me & My Dad
- Annie & the Wild Animals
- Hare & the Tortoise
- Big Tracks, Little Tracks
- The Kissing Hand
- Winnie-the-Pooh
- Big Bad Bruce
- The Mitten
- Nuts to You
- Mole's Hill
- House at Pooh Corner
- ??Little Mouse Big Hungry Bear
- New House for Mole & Mouse
- Tale of Peter Rabbit
Set of 15 books.
Common Core standards covered: RL, RF