Grammar For Children Bilingual DVD Set of 5

What in the world makes words work? Join an inquisitive team of editors as they tackle this big question while producing a literary magazine written by and for kids! Using stories and letters submitted by children from across the country, the editors of the magazine, Wordswork, attempt to solve the riddles of the English language, cracking the complex code of Nouns, Verbs, Descriptive Words & Phrases, Punctuation, and Sentences. The editorial staff's helpful publisher, Mrs. Gramercy, is always ready to clarify the rules of grammar and bring them to life with attention-grabbing examples and dynamic graphics.
This fast-paced and lively video series is an outstanding tool to help students learn the rules that make words work while reinforcing the importance of having fun with words in the process. Teacher’s Guides are included and available online. Each DVD features: Chapter Select, Interactive Menu, and Discussion Questions. English and Spanish language tracks. 23 minutes each. Closed-Captioned. ©2003