Grades: PreK - 2
When I am confident, I hold my head high. When I feel shy, I pull away. When I feel happy, I smile all day! This fun game for children is designed to help them learn to express their feelings in a playful way! There are three ways to play. Game 1: Wear your scarves and seek four cards of the same color with the roll of the die. Act, draw, express, or tell stories to make others guess the card you are looking for. The first to make a set wins! Game 2: Swap cards until you get four of a kind. Act it out so that others guess what emotion you have. Game 3: Be a storyteller and listen carefully. All you need to do is remember stories for each emotion card and win! Includes: 32 emotion cards, 4 colored scarves, 1 wooden die, 4 reference cards, 1 mirror, 1 pad, 1 pencil, and instructions.
CHOKING HAZARD. Not for under 3 yrs.