Social Studies Common Core Lessons & Activities Set 1

Grades: 3-8
Use these reproducible lessons and activities to supplement the resources you already have. These ready-to-use lessons meet existing standards, and integrate new analysis, inference, text-dependent questions, and rigor into daily instruction so that they meet the new Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy and Writing in History. You will find lessons that utilize: text dependent questions; opinions, arguments, and informational writing; primary source analysis; determining explicit and inferred meanings; understanding point-of-view; academic vocabulary; and more. ©2013.
Ancient Greece, Bill of Rights, Branches of Government, Civil Rights Movement, Declaration of Independence, Jamestown, Key Events of World War II, Road to the Civil War, Basic Economic Concepts, Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears, U.S. Constitution, Women's Suffrage.
Common Core standards covered:
RI.3-8.1-10; W.3-8.1-10; SL.3-8.1-2,4-6; L.3-8.4-6; RH.6-8.1-10; WHST.6-8.1-10
Set of 12 reproducible books, 24 pages each.