Text Exemplar Grades 6-8 Complete MASTER SET

Students in grades 6-8 apply the Reading standards to a range of text types, to include stories, drama, poetry, literary nonfiction, and historical, scientific, and technical texts, with texts selected from a broad range of cultures and periods. In addition to range, these text exemplar collections represent the quality and complexity of literature that students in this grade band should encounter.
Our master set contains all 6 Grades 6-8 collections, covering stories, poetry, and informational texts.
*All titles featured are available at the time of publication; however, the status is subject to change according to the publishers.
Including books such as:
Adams on Adams
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play
Great Speeches of the 20th Century
Little Women
A Night to Remember
The Road Not Taken
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Selected Poems of Langston Hughes
A Wrinkle in Time
and Much More!
Common Core standards covered:
RL.6-8.1-10, RI.6-8.1-10, RH.6-8.1-10, RST.6-8.1-10