Text Exemplars Grades 2-3 Complete MASTER SET

With our Common Core text exemplar collections, students will read widely and deeply from among a broad range of high-quality, increasingly challenging literary texts, including stories, myths and poetry, and informational texts. Students will gain familiarity with various text structures and elements and will build the foundation to be better readers in all content areas.
Our master set contains all 6 Grades 2-3 collections, covering stories, poetry, and informational texts.
*All titles featured are available at the time of publication; however, the status is subject to change according to the publishers.
Including books such as:
Bud, Not Buddy
Charlotte's Web
The Cricket in Times Square
Early Poems
From Seed to Plant
Sarah, Plain and Tall
So You Want to be President?
Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening
The Story of Ruby Bridges
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof
and Much More!
Common Core standards covered:
RL.2-3.1-10, RI.2-3.1-10