Value Classroom Library 1st Grade (50 books)

Only $3.49 per book!
For the best value and most comprehensive collection of fiction and nonfiction titles, our Value Classroom Libraries are a must for every grade! This grade-specific classroom assortment contains a variety of titles from multiple genres and curriculum areas at varied of reading levels, to support struggling readers and challenge advanced readers.
This set includes:
Arthurs Reading Race
Beauty & the Beast
The Circle Sarah Drew
First Grade Elves
Four Famished Foxes
Hello, First Grade
The House at Pooh Corner
I Love You, Stinky Face
Just Grandpa & Me
Rainbow Fish - S.O.S.
Penguin Pete
Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor
Ship in the Fields
and many other value titles!
Value sets contain both hardcover and paperback titles. Sample titles are pictured; actual contents may vary depending on availability from the publisher.
Common Core standards covered: