Who Was? Biographies Complete Set

Each anthology tells the extraordinary real-life story of an individual who has accomplished great things and helped change the world. Make historical movements and events relevant to students with these life stories. The set includes a teacher??s guide with lesson plans aligned to the Common Core Standards. Accelerated Reader?? titles. Paperback, 106-112 pages each.
Titles include: Who Was?? Albert Einstein? (810L), Amelia Earhart? (610L), Ben Franklin? (540L), Harriet Tubman? (650L), Anne Frank? (660L), MLK, Jr.? (750L), Sacagawea? (650L), Ferdinand Magellan? (710L), Pablo Picasso? (700L), Steve Jobs? (660L), Dr. Seuss? (820L), and many more.
All Who Was?? titles are also sold individually online and in our catalog.The numbers in parentheses are lexile levels.
Common Core standards covered:
RI.4-6.1,2,6-10; W.4-6.1,3-9; SL.4-6.1,4-5; L.4-6.2,5